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I Was My Three-Year-Old (Plus, An Easy Banana Soft-Serve Recipe)

When I watch my three-year-old daughter, I sometimes feel like I’m witnessing myself grow up all over again. I see so many parallels between her and I, from our crazy hair to our strong will.

When I was little, my parents would recite part of a poem to me by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

“There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she good, she was very good indeed, but when she was bad she was horrid.”

It was actually fitting, because I had (and still do have) very curly and unruly hair. I also had quite the temper, due to my feisty, stubborn nature. I was dubbed “Alligator Wrestler” as a child for this reason. I could be sweet, shy and incredibly polite, but you also didn’t want to mess with me.

I sometimes try to think back to the little girl I used to be, when my daughter and I are having a turbulent day. When her anger and defiance seems to come spiraling out of nowhere, what would I have wanted to feel better or loved when I was her age? A hug? A listening ear? A playmate? I could brush it off as just her age or I could try to understand this little personality that she’s growing into.

I decided we needed something sweet to counteract her sour mood and, surprisingly, it seemed to do the trick. We made delicious banana soft-serve (or ice cream or "nice cream") and when I first started making this, I couldn't believe how simple it was. I literally just blend frozen banana pieces with a splash of almond milk in a food processor and, like magic, it turns into a smooth, melt-in-your-mouth treat.

I referenced the One Ingredient Chef and his post titled, One Ingredient Ice Cream, Five Ways, who gives a couple good tips such as, cut your frozen banana into small 1/2 inch chunks (so they blend easier) and do not over process, since the friction from the food processor will begin to melt the bananas. He also lists "flavor inspirations", such as Cherry Vanilla and Peanut Butter Raisin, in case you're interested in upgrading.

I hope you enjoy our new favorite snack!


Banana Soft-Serve

Makes about 2 servings

  • 2 frozen ripe bananas, cut into small chunks

  • 2 tablespoons of almond milk (or another milk of your choosing)

  1. Peel two ripe, spotty bananas and place on a cookie sheet lined with waxed paper. Put in the freezer overnight or until they are completely solid.

  2. With a sharp knife, cut the frozen bananas into 1/2 inch chunks and put in your food processor, fitted with an S-Blade.

  3. Start your food processor and, as it runs, add 1 tablespoon of almond milk (too loosen things up a bit). If you feel it needs more, add 1 more tablespoon.

  4. After about a minute, your bananas should be smooth and blended into an ice cream consistency.

  5. Enjoy your soft serve plain or get creative with some yummy toppings, such as a peanut butter drizzle, strawberry syrup, frozen berries, mini chocolate chips, hemp seeds, nuts...the possibilities are endless!

This recipe is best if eaten right away, but can also be frozen in an air-tight container.

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Daily Ketch
Daily Ketch
04 août 2019

#minime #henrywadsworthlongfellow #bananasoftserve #bananaicecream #banananicecream #mommydaughtertime #turnthatfrownupsidedown #snacktime #healthysnacks #vegantreats #seacoastnhmom #momoftwo

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