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Great Bay Discovery Center: A Free Seacoast Gem

It was one of those perfect days: mid 70s, sunny, light breeze and not a cloud in the sky. The weather in New Hampshire can be a bit temperamental when transitioning from season to season - one day it’s hot and oppressive and the next it’s cold and dreary. So, when you get a day like this, you almost feel like it would be a waste if you didn’t spend most of it outside, just soaking up its goodness.

We’ve been to the Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (aka Great Bay Discovery Center) before, but when almost everything seems to cost money these days, it’s hard to believe free gems like this still exist. GBNERR is a protected area, which is located along the Great Bay in Greenland, NH. The center is open from May to October, but its grounds are open all year. Inside you’ll find several exhibits and interactive displays providing information about the Estuary, including a touch tank which holds horseshoe crabs, an eel, snails, oysters, and more. Outside, you’ll find life-size wooden boats, including a replica of a 19th century Gundalow, and a boardwalk trail that leads you to a Native American wigwam and a stunning view of the Great Bay.

The first time we came here with the kids, Laina had a little meltdown when she realized she couldn’t take the center’s binoculars on the trail with us. She threw herself onto my legs and sobbed. Understanding that not everything is yours for the taking is a hard lesson to learn when you’re three. Fortunately, there are many other things to get distracted by here, so she recovered quickly. When we visited this time, we made sure we brought our own pair, even though she was a little uncertain on how to use them (I’m sure I took a couple pictures of her holding them backwards!). With or without binoculars, there's so much to see here, so make sure you check it out!

For more information about the Great Bay Discovery Center, click on the link below:

Have you ever been to the Great Bay Discovery Center? What was your favorite part?

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Daily Ketch
Daily Ketch
Aug 04, 2019

#wildernessexplorers #nature #estuary #greatbay #greenlandnh #free #familyfun #funforthewholefamily #Newhampshire #seacoastnewhampshire #wildlife #exploretheoutdoors

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